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The Inspection and Certification Third Party on Due Recycled Waste (Non-Plastic Waste Containers)

The project period was from Jan 01, 2011 to Dec 31, 2012. According to the results of auditing and certification from Jan 01, 2011 to Oct 31, 2012, the main tasks included the auditing processes of collection quantity, recycling quantity, operational processes, environment, and accounting. The total certified recycled quantity of non-plastic waste containers was 637,161,013 kilograms and the total certified disposal quantity was 636,578,927 kilograms. For the results of the auditing training, every new inspector was required to complete at least 40-hours training and related examinations. The project also conducted 25 vocational trainings hold monthly. Besides, the professional trainings were completed on Feb 19~20, 2011 and Feb 18~19, 2012. According to the results of operational processes auditing for recycling facilities, the major abnormal events were violations of the collection and storage regulation which contributed 72.83% of the total. For the results of environmental safety and health auditing for recycling facilities, the major abnormal events were the employees without safety mask on which contributed 29.73% of the total. The major abnormal events were the certification equipments conditions which contributed 42.86% of the total. In the other hand, there were 323 minor abnormal events of certification equipments malfunctions which contributed 97.21% of the project’s total minor abnormal events. There was no abnormal event regarding to the accounting auditing for disposal industry. During the project period, foundation of Taiwan industry service completed evaluating 50 qualification data and finishing 1 field inspection for disposal industry. Also 32 mass balances for recycling firms had been completed. During the project period, total 5,760 inspection trips were executed. In addition, there were 9 violation points accounted and 7 deductions events caused by violating the facility standards. The total deduction of recycling quantity was 243,652 kilograms. There were 853verifications for weighing scales of disposal industry, and no abnormal event happened.
Inspection and certification quantity;Operation process auditing;Environmental safety and health auditing